Welcome to our website - we are online !

Very welcome to our new website. We are proud to be online just in time with the big moments in history. Yesterday the nuclear power negotiations reached a very sounding and promising end. We hope that this is really a beginning.....

But first allow us to introduce ourself. We have founded this adventure due to family reasons. As always we were more or less asked to support in a family & friends business. Spontaneously we were in the middle of a multicultural operations project. In this we learned not only how challenging this could be, furthermore we got in touch with so many wonderful people that made us really enjoying our work.
This was the nucleus of this company and the beginning of our own trip through new ideas!
Here you will find in a regular manner ideas, comments or analysis regarding the topics we are interested in or just personal statements to current situations.
Hope to see you soon back here!
Stay tuned
Your K-Street6 Team